Beyond the Power Grid: The Next Generation of Energy Transitions
Many people, when they think about “green energy,” have pictures in their minds of windmills in fields or solar panels atop houses. Producing cheap and reliable electricity without harmful impacts on air, water and climate has been a major focus of energy technology research, policy and business decisions over the course of many decades. After all of that work, the future will be here soon – developed economies (and even many developing nations) are greening their electricity supply rapidly. But electricity turns out to be the easy part of the energy transitions puzzle. The next trillion-dollar energy transitions – in transportation and industry – will be much more complicated but will need to start soon, and can piggyback on cleaner electricity in multiple ways. It will also redefine what it means to work in the “energy industry” for the next generations of energy professionals!
This virtual educational series is sponsored by the College's Graduate of Earth and Mineral Sciences (GEMS) Board of Directors (and not PSU NYC) and will spotlight the College's research in short interactive webinars to engage your curiosity and introduce you to our world-class faculty and alumni. The event will be led by Seth Blumsack (Professor of Energy Policy & Economics) and moderated by Joe Frantz (PNG Eng, '81).
Date: Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Time: 12:00pm (EST)
Hosted By: The Graduates of Earth and Mineral Sciences
Where: Register Here!
Pricing: Free
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